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Celebrate Good Times

What are you celebrating? What are you acknowledging or giving attention to?

Not in a religious sense but in a self reflection sense. Can you find accomplishments or small achievements to reflect on? What have you been working on lately and found even a small amount of success with?

Maybe it's growth in a particular yoga pose-mastered Tree pose or Dancers pose. It could also be something off your mat-a skill. Maybe you have learned how to navigate a new tech program at work or drummed yo enough nerve to apply for that promotion.

Take a moment of acknowledgement with yourself. What makes your proud? When you speak to yourself about these areas of growth, do you use words and speak to yourself as you would a best friend? 'I am so proud of you for achieving that. Your hard work has paid off and you persevered'

Taking time to recognize and congratulate ourselves on achievements is extremely important to our continued growth mindset. The way we communicate with our thoughts and nurture them has a direct correlation to our actual successes. Mindset is the primer for our actions.

So what are you celebrating in your head lately? Who's the party for and what's the occasion?

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