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Raising Awesome Humans: Unveiling Top 5 Powerful Benefits of Kid Yoga 🧘

As parents, we want the best for our children with the end goal of offering an awesome human to the world, as they grow into functioning, contributing adults. We go to great lengths to determine what decisions are best for them. We are always in the mode of problem solving for our children with the lens of making the best decisions with the knowledge available to us at the time. Whether it’s getting them into the best sport that fits their personality and trying 10 different things (certainly glad the tuba didn’t last for my son) before they find their true jam and community. Or how we research, prep and bake for weeks on end, searching for the best gluten free muffins our child will actually eat that won’t leave them running for the washroom or cause tummy aches. As good parents, we are always working on finding the right fit for our child and setting them up for optimal development. 

There is so much to think about and that goes into that equation of their development and raising an awesome human. Academics, physical development, mental health, emotional well being, social dynamics, anxiety, or even spirituality. Keeping all of those buckets full and filling them with the best resources is a tough job. Being a parent is hard and a constantly needy job-it doesn’t stop! 

Well, guess what? There is one activity that ticks a lot of those boxes and fills all of those buckets at once…


I’ve heard and seen it hundreds of times first hand from parents of my kid yoga classes…

‘I’m so happy our child started yoga. They use these skills all the time at home!’

‘They were about to melt down and then we used the class teachings to catch it before it exploded! It worked!’ 

But don’t just take my word for it, or my yogi families. There is a ton of research to support how impactful and beneficial yoga is for kids. I’ve summarized a few articles below that I have been dissecting latley.

Here’s the top 5 most powerful 💥 benefits of Kid Yoga:

BENEFIT #1: Increase in sleep quantity

An article highlighted a study conducted over 2 years. It that found a bi-weekly yoga practice for kids can lead to over an hour of extra valuable sleep a night! Yoga helps kids learn about calming their nervous system which allows them to settle into sleep earlier. 

BENEFIT #2: Increase focus

A case study found that yoga can significantly improve children’s attention span and concentration skills. Clearing your mind, practicing how to sustain attention to the task at hand and being in the present moment is the basis of every yoga practice. We can transfer this skill to our lives off of our mat as well. 

BENEFITS #3: Improve self regulation

Studies show that children who have regular exposure to yogic movements, meditation, and breathing techniques can improve their regulation of emotions.

Tools such as glitter jars and breathing beads, or even tuning into your body’s cues, can help children redirect their focus on finding calm in a stressful moment. As well as practice with awareness of feelings in kid yoga classes, acts as a rehearsal for real life events that occur off their mats.

BENEFIT #4: Improve flexibility and strength-perfect for mini athletes performance!

Since yoga uses many muscle groups not regularly targeted in our daily lives, it is fantastic for building muscles and toning your body. With regular practice, you can see improvements with lengthening your major muscle groups, such as your hamstrings or shoulders. 

BENEFIT #5: Reduce anxiety

Yoga is all about breath awareness and control and practicing slowing our breath down and taking deeper inhales. All of these little adjustments help to tell our nervous system we are A-OK. More oxygen keeps our nervous system regulated and helps to calm us when stressed, scared or just before a tantrum. If our kids have this tool in their ‘back pocket’ and are already versed at using their breath to control their reactions, that is a game changer for any outburst, anxiety filled problem or even when the schedule doesn’t go their way. Yoga helps offer tools to manage anxiety.

Know any kids that may benefit from all this goodness? 

Every human on Earth could use a little more of the these 5 powerful benefits.

Soar High,

Sarah Bigger

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