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Suckers vs Supporters

Let's take an inventory of those you surround yourself with. Think of your family; parents, spouse, children. Now think of your co workers. What about your friends; both old friendships and new connections?

Are they energy suckers or supporters? Do they lift you up and make you feel empowered and alive or do they drain you and leave you feeling less than and negative? Which category is more full in your life-suckers or supporters? Who is leading the connection or keeping it alive? Who calls or sets dates or who is the one listening in a conversation and genuinely wants to understand the other, not just speaking about themselves?

My son is son is 14 years old and I began using these categories with him in conversation about the new people he is meeting in high school. 'He's a sucker mom. He literally sucks.' Although we can't always pinpoint or articulate why certain people make use feel like crap, or we feel a repelling from, it is a certainty we can trust. Using our intuition, our knowing, and our energy awareness to gauge situations and vibes is a life skill. My hope is that in teaching this skill to my sons, it will allow them to tap into their own compass and self trust in their intuition. Ultimately, directing them towards a path to their own truth.

Becoming aware of how others make you feel and how you behave in their presence is a skill. This awareness is step one and can lead to taking futher steps to set boundaries and limiting negative encounters that really don't progress us or help us grow into our potential. If growth and change and self improvement is truly your goal in your future, this skill is of the utmost importance but is also one of the most challenging. Filtering out encounters that don't serve as a platform to uplift you and make you feel closer to your highest potential, can lead to many goodbyes. There is no doubt goodbyes can be difficult especially when the relationship is out of obligation or habit-parents or long time friendships. However, w

hen we no longer desire to put energy into certain relationships, we have time and effort to put that focus somehwere else. Sometimes, this can allow us to access the space we need to grow or to allow a new, more progressive connection.

Who we choose to spend time with can influence everything in our lives-our mood, our goals, our drive, our habits. Choose wisely.

'Your new life is going to cost you your old one' Brianna Wiest

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